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The brand is renewed,
the tradition remains the same.

Those who are looking for their clients the best of the worldwide production in the wellness sector have only one landmark: Himalaya.

Natural products
from each part of the world

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The nature of a mission

Founded in 1989, Himalaya aims to bring extremely natural products, rich in tradition and culture, to herbalists and pharmacies, to organic products shops and wellness centers. For this reason, from the beginning, it looks to the Indian world, which for millennia has worked with a different philosophy, attentive and respectful of the human being and the environment. This way of thinking and being leads the founders of Himalaya to get involved from the beginning in the Auroville project, the international city created to be Sri Aurobindo's evolutionary laboratory inspired by integral yoga and which today produces most of the leading products in this field. market. The involvement has often turned into real economic and operational support, as happened for the Tibetan Pavilion, which today is one of the liveliest realities in the Indian city, and for the activities of Auroville Village Action Group, in particular for a project against the exploitation of child labor, which aims to train children and reintegrate them into the working world at the right age and with greater possibilities.
Himalaya Distribution is consolidated today in the spirit and philosophy that saw its birth, opening up to a new global dimension. She is a real "wellness seeker", a seeker of well-being, with the aim of finding the best of natural production in every part of the world.

Our Strenghts.

In line with responsible consumption

The products marketed by Himalaya are extremely natural, cruelty free and with an increasing use of organic products.

Constant evolution of the commercial offer

Every year Himalaya’s catalogue is enriched by new products. This leads us to a constant communication with our suppliers in order to find the most suitable paths for our market.

Rapid in satisfying the clients

A very precise logistic allows a rapid finalization of orders: our clients know that they can count on the delivery of the products in an average of 3 working days from their order.

International dimension

Our principal influence areas are Italy, United Kingdom and the Iberic Peninsula.

Ethical vision of trade

Himalaya has incorporated the experiences of the European fair trade. Even when dealing with the clients the company adopts the criteria of transparency and sincerity in every step of the commercial relationship.

Selected sales network

Himalaya employs the best operators throughout the country, to whom it provides complete and effective tools.

Support for the sales

The leading products have multilingual packaging in order to satisfy local and international customers. We also supply support tools, like display units, posters, testers and flyers.

Modern and professional communications

Himalaya uses all the tools of the web marketing: the website is constantly up to date, while preparing their order the clients can make use of a practical electric form that they can send over through email.


Our products.


Contact us


Himalaya is a brand distributed by Alcea Srl

Street address:

Via Traversa del Grillo, 23

(Km 0.200) - 00060 Capena (RM)

Tel: +39 06 41400000

Fax: +39 06 9085632

© 2021 Himalaya

Alcea Srl - VAT number: 07116051009 - Via P. Sagramoso, 7 - 00135 (RM)

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